Thursday, March 18, 2010

Three-Dimensional Construction

Relational elements: Position, direction, space, and gravity

Serial Planes: cross-sections, of how the form can be sliced up at regular intervals, which will result in serial planes. Each serial plane can be considered as a unit form which may be used wither in repetition or in gradation. (can vary direction and position)

Wall Structures: All formal two-dimensional structures can become wall structures with the addition of some depth, and their structural sub-divisions can be made into spatial cells.

Three directions: x,y,z axes

Three basic views: front, profile, horizontal

Conceptual Elements: point, line, plane, volume

Relational elements: position, direction, space, and gravity

Constructional elements: vertex (three or more planes meet), edge (two planes meet), face

Serial Planes:

Positional Variations

Directional Variations

Wall Structures:

Cube, Column and Wall

Prisms and Cylinders:

The Basic Prism and Its Variations

The Hollowed Prism

Treatment of the Ends

Treatment of the Edge and Faces

Joining of Prisms

Variations of a Cylinder

The Platonic Solids






The Archimedian Solids


Truncated Octahedron


Great Rhombicuboctahedron

Triangular Planes (
Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles):

Linear Framework:

Construction with Planes and Lines


Components for Linear Framework

Repetition of Linear Framework

Overlapping Units

Linear Layers:

Building up of Linear Layers, Variations and Possibilities, Combining and Joining

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