Monday, February 1, 2010

More Common 3-D Terms

Attached with a flexible or movable joint, as in the digits of a finger.

AXIS/AXES: A line, real or imagined, around which the material that composes an object appears to be organized.

CONCAVE: A negative area in a plane or surface, a scooped out or indented form or area.

A protrusion or outwardly pushing form like a nipple or breast.

CRAFTSMANSHIP: Aptitude, skill, or quality workmanship in use of tools and materials

MALLEABILITY: The capability of being molded, taking shape or being made to receive desired form.

MINIMAL: In art, characterized by the use of simple or primary forms, structures, etc., often geometric and massive.

NARRATIVE: Art, which tells a story, usually self-explanatory, being from either recognizable daily-life scenes or from familiar folk stories.

PERFORATED: Pierced with a hole or holes (like Swiss cheese).

Each of the five regular polyhedron (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron).

POLYHEDRON: A solid figure or object with many (usually more than six) plane faces.

SERIAL: Things in succession or installment, which vary from one another but belong together through form or content.

The simplification of a form to emphasize its design qualities. Also, referring to remembered “representations” of an object as opposed to what is actually present.

TACTILE: perceptible to touch; that which is tangible.

TRANSLUCENT: allowing light to pass through, but not defined objects.

TRANSPARENT: a form or plane which can be seen through, such as glass.

VOID: a hollow, concavity, or unoccupied space within a solid object or mass.

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